
TOP 10 FAKE SENDER Domain Extension compared to the total of monitored emails from Aug 2020:

# Domain Extension %
1COM39.27 %
2IT9.85 %
3ZA5.32 %
4NET3.97 %
5ID3.58 %
6JP3.14 %
7MX2.32 %
8FR2.14 %
9ORG2.11 %
10BR1.97 %
11Others (aggregated)26.33 %

TOP 10 REAL SENDER Domain Extension compared to the total of monitored emails from Aug 2020:

# Domain Extension %
1COM38.58 %
2JP7.21 %
3IT7.18 %
4BR5.98 %
5MX4.3 %
6NET3.25 %
7DE2.77 %
8ZA2.48 %
9AR1.51 %
10ID1.44 %
11Others (aggregated)25.3 %

TOP 10 RECIPIENT Domain Extension compared to the total of monitored emails from Aug 2020:

# Domain Extension %
1COM38.02 %
2IT7.52 %
3JP7.19 %
4BR5.85 %
5MX4.36 %
6NET3.19 %
7DE2.7 %
8ZA2.58 %
9CL1.53 %
10AR1.52 %
11Others (aggregated)25.54 %

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