About haveibeenEMOTET

About US

haveibeenEMOTET is a free service made to check if your email address or domain is involved in the Emotet malspam (name@domain.ext or domain.ext). Your address can be marked as:

  • SENDER FAKE → Emails are not sent from your account, but your email address is used as a label to hide the Real Sender, this indicates that you may be or have been infected. Your emails / contacts may have been stolen. It is necessary to change the passwords and perform an AntiVirus scan.

  • SENDER REAL → The real email account used by the Emotet Botnet to actually send the SPAM, this indicates that the password of your email account has been compromised and that you may be or have been infected. Your emails and / or your contacts may have been stolen. It is necessary to change the passwords and perform an AntiVirus scan.

  • RECIPIENT → This indicates that the email address / domain have received MalSpam emails from Emotet, therefore it is necessary to pay maximum attention to emails received also from known contacts. It is not superfluous to carry out an AntiVirus check.


Searching for an email address or a domain only returns the response.
The searched email address or domain will not stored anywhere.

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